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3 collision types in Kentucky that cause fatalities

On Behalf of | Sep 25, 2024 | Car Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents can be unpredictable, happening anywhere at any time. Sometimes, they are minor, causing little to no damage. In these situations, the details and issues between involved parties can be easy to sort out. Other times, it could be a different story, mainly if the collision causes moderate to severe injuries or even fatalities.

For these incidents, authorities often track the numbers to help determine any contributing factors they can address. Based on available data, they found that the following crash types commonly involve fatalities in 2022:

  • Incidents where a motor vehicle crashed into another moving vehicle – 254 fatal crashes
  • Crashes that involve a motor vehicle colliding with a stationary object or structure – 166 fatal crashes
  • Accidents involving motor vehicles and pedestrians – 100 fatal crashes

Other accident types can also cause deaths in Kentucky, including those involving cyclists, parked vehicles, and animals or obstructions blocking the road. Crashes involving moving motor vehicles account for around 37% of fatalities of 74,810 total collisions.

Other details about the incidents can have legal implications. If any involved party intends to take legal action, they may only do so based on the situation.

Holding at-fault parties accountable for fatal accidents

When someone sustains a severe injury or dies in a motor vehicle collision, the aftermath can affect victims and their families. The consequences can be devastating, making it crucial to seek compensation and hold at-fault parties accountable.

In these instances, having experienced legal guidance and counsel could be vital. Valuable insight can help determine the most appropriate approach and legal options, considering tiny and unique case details that may impact the outcome.